Why Study Earth Science and Engineering at Montana Tech?

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Earth Science and Engineering (ESE), 建立在工程和科学学士和硕士课程以及蒙大拿矿业和地质局(MBMG)的基础上。. 毕业生将定位为许多职业重要的蒙大拿州, including energy/mineral development, geological/geophysical exploration, environmental consulting/protection, land/resource management, state and federal government, academia, and non-profits. 

Learn from the Best  

This Ph.D. program and its focus areas build naturally on Montana Tech’s historic status as Montana’s Lance College of Mines and Engineering; its current designation by the Board of Regents as a special focus institution, focused on science, engineering, technology, and health; its long-standing constituency of extractive and natural-resource-focused stakeholders; and the continuing economic importance of such industries to Montana. 

Research-Focused, Top-Notch Facilities 

Our campus is small, but our reputation is far-reaching. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的研究人员从包括国家科学基金会和陆军研究实验室在内的主要机构获得资助. 我们的实验室包括全国唯一的地下矿井教室, the Center for Advanced Minerals Processing, and several others.  

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology  

Come study where the data is kept. 蒙大拿州矿业和地质局是蒙大拿州公民地球科学信息的主要来源. A non-regulatory state agency, the MBMG provides extensive advisory, technical, and informational services on the State's geologic, mineral, energy, and water resources. MBMG越来越多地参与研究过去硬岩采矿的做法或目前的农业和工业活动对土地和水造成的环境影响.  

Ideal Location 

从你的研究和论文中休息一下,享受美丽的蒙大拿吧. 校园附近有很多滑雪胜地和偏远地区, hiking Continental Divide Trail and other trails, fishing in pristine mountain streams, or experiencing southwest Montana’s hot springs. 

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What is the Earth Science and Engineering Ph.D 

You will acquire up-to-date, advanced knowledge, skills, 理解并整合地球科学与工程, as needed to meet the changing needs of society. Students b理论联系实际,科学与工程相结合, design, model, problem solve, and apply advanced knowledge, skills and understanding in the field.  

What Kinds of Jobs Do Graduates Get?  

A terminal degree in Earth Science and Engineering opens doors of opportunity for employment. Become an expert in your chosen field of study. 在工业界工作或监督,或在学术界从事教学或研究工作. 你在我们严格的项目中接受最高水平的训练.  

Explore Classes Required for the Earth Science Engineering Ph.D.

 The Earth Science and Engineering Ph.D. is a research degree. You are required to earn at least 60 credits. You may specialize and earn a degree concentration or option, such as geochemistry, geological engineering, hydrogeology, mining engineering, 或任何其他地球科学和工程分支学科,菲律宾十大彩票平台学院提供硕士学位.S. or Geoscience M.S. option 

Learn More About Earth Science & Engineering at Montana Tech

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Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Alysia Cox
Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry
(406) 496-4185