Student Chapter

Faculty Advisor


AADE Officers
Position Name
President Harrison Walund
Vice President Brady Weber
Secretary Savanna Sparley
Treasurer Dawson Lester
Social Chair Bryce Stroud
Faculty Advisor Vacant


AADE Events
Fall Spring
Fall Career Fair Trap Shoot Special Olympics Pintlar Polar Plunge
Raffle Pre Hockey Game Social
Ugly Sweater Christmas Party Wild Well Control Student Certification Course
Butte Silver Bow Food Drive Regional AADE Meeting, Denver
Salvation Army Angel Tree Scholarship
New Officer Elections
  AADE National Technical Drilling Conference
  Spring Career Fair Trap Shoot
  Gun Raffle

Follow Montana Tech AADE events on Facebook »

For more information about the AADE National Drilling Conference, please visit the 

To register for the AADE National Drilling Conference, please register with an AADE board member by e-mailing


American Association of Drilling Engineers
at Montana Tech NRB-346
1300 West Park
Butte, MT 59701
(406) 496-4197

Montana Tech Foundation web page screen shot, Contribution Designation: American Association of Drilling Engineers


Visit the Montana Tech Foundation give page, select "Other" under "Designation" and write in "American Association of Drilling Engineers." as seen in the image to the right.

Thank you!
