
The inaugural Intercollegiate Mining and Mucking Contest was held on April 21, 1979年在爱达荷大学. 比赛, envisaged by University of Idaho students as a mining competition, 是为了类似于当地的伐木比赛而创建的吗. 犹他大学, 南达科他州理工大学, 新墨西哥理工大学, 东华盛顿大学, 蒙大拿技术, 亚利桑那大学, 密歇根理工大学, 主办方爱达荷大学也参加了此次活动. 选手们参加了手钻, 未成熟的钻, spike driving and hand mucking events followed by a Tug-O-War with mining students against the foresters resulting in the miners pulling the foresters into the log burling pond. During the initial years, a beer chugging contest was held before the competition began. This event has since been discontinued as the minimum legal drinking age changed. The 亚利桑那大学 took home top honors at the first competition, 为他们赢得举办第二届赛事的权利.

多年来, rules have been modified, events added, and the competition expanded. The first women’s teams competed in 1982 and co-ed teams were added along the way. Spike driving was dropped early but swede saw, gold panning, track stand, and survey were added. The original muck car was a one-ton end dump car and now each host has their own size and shape of muck car (home town advantage?). Hand steel has evolved from using mason star bits from local hardware stores to custom made steels.



多年来, 来自加拿大的国际大学代表队, 澳大利亚, 联合王国, 巴西, 德国和荷兰参加过比赛. Competitions have been held in the United States, 澳大利亚 and Cornwall, and the 联合王国. 蒙大拿技术 is the only school who has competed in every competition since 1979. 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 will host the 46th International Mining Competition from March 21–23, 2024年在巴特, 蒙大拿.


Two 蒙大拿技术’s men’s mining teams competed in Kalgoorlie, West 澳大利亚 in 2023.


从1981年开始, the winning team of Annual Intercollegiate Mining and Mucking Competition would be presented the trophy on behalf of Sunshine Mining Company. Mr. Ken Lonn, Sunshine Mine supervisor and experienced hard-rock miner, designed and built the trophy. The Sunshine Mining Company retains title and ownership of the trophy should the competition ever cease. 每年, the winning school is responsible for engraving and mounting a brass plate noting the year and school and to pass the trophy on to the next winner. 阳光奖杯的民间传说是为了纪念矿工, who perished during the Sunshine Mine Disaster of 1972 is noble, 但是不正确的.


The 2019 mining team winning the Sunshine Trophy in Virginia City, Nevada.
蒙大拿州理工学院于2019年在弗吉尼亚城赢得了阳光奖杯, Nevada at the competition hosted by the UNR Mackay School of Earth Sciences and 工程.

Recollections about the Intercollegiate Mining and Mucking Contest by Robin McCulloch, 采矿工程, 和蒂姆·阿诺德, faculty member in the Department of Mining and Metallurgical 工程 at the University of Nevada, 里诺

蒙大拿技术 hosted the 第38届校际采矿运动会 in April of 2016. Students studying 采矿工程 and other engineering disciplines for all over the United States and as far as 澳大利亚, 英格兰和巴西.