
  1. 金属添加剂
    1. 新型SLM系统开发
    2. 新材料
  2. 聚合物添加剂
  3. 混合材料
  4. 拓扑优化


  1. Characterization and Modeling of 冷喷 Nozzle and Systems
  2. 材料的发展

The 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学, through research grants from the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 冷喷 Additive Manufacturing (CSAM) Program, is investigating the fluid and particle dynamics of cold spray experimentally and through the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with the goal of improving the next generation of cold spray systems and providing the tools to support the Army Modernization Strategy. Cold spray is currently used to repair parts in Army equipment that has been damaged by wear or corrosion when replacement parts are not available, 在某些情况下, to remake parts through additive manufacturing. Cold spray is an evolving technology with ample opportunity for research in many areas. Tech is applying flow visualization and diagnostic techniques and particle velocimetry to obtain data for CFD model validation and to determine the effects of supersonic flow phenomena on the particle size and velocity distribution and uniformity in the flow, especially approaching the target or substrate. Of particular interest is the substantial deceleration of the flow and its turning to a radially outward flow behind the bow shockwave above the substrate. Tech will also investigate the effects of cold spray device scale on the phenomena observed. This work is being conducted by a team of faculty, 研究生研究生, and undergraduate students to provide educational opportunities to students that want to pursue research topics.


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